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Unplug to Reconnect: A Digital Detox for a Healthier You

In today’s fast-paced digital world, our smartphones and social media handles have become integral parts of our lives. But have we ever paused to consider the impact of excessive and incessant use of these devices on our personal, family, and professional relationships? Research shows that youngsters in India, especially those aged 16 to 25, are spending more than 6 hours a day scrolling through their mobile screens. This age group, which should ideally be the most productive, is being drawn into the digital vortex, often at the expense of real-life connections. The Digital Dilemma in Numbers The statistics paint a vivid picture. India, with a population of 1.42 billion, has 692 million internet users, nearly half of the population. Social media has become a staple in the daily lives of many, with 467 million active users in the country. The average daily time spent online is 6 hours and 23 minutes, with nearly 3 hours of that dedicated to social media alone. Instagram tops the chart as the most popular platform, with 516.92 million active users in 2024. While these platforms offer numerous benefits, their excessive use is taking a toll on our mental health, productivity, and relationships. On the eve of India’s 78th Independence Day, it’s time to reclaim our freedom from the clutches of undefined mobile and social media use. Introducing the ‘UnPlug’ Initiative Ketawa-Center for Behaviour Change is excited to introduce the ‘UnPlug’ Initiative—a practical digital detox plan designed to help you regain control over your life and reconnect with what truly matters. U – Unwind Without Devices: This reduces dependency on devices and encourages healthier forms of relaxation. N – No Devices at Meals: This simple practice promotes mindful eating and fosters stronger relationships. P – Prioritize Real-Life Connections: L – Limit Social Media Check-Ins: U – Use Alarms Instead of Phones: G – Go Offline Regularly: Join the ‘UnPlug’ Movement As we celebrate another year of independence, let’s also strive for freedom from the chains of digital overload. The ‘UnPlug’ Initiative offers a simple, practical approach to reconnecting with ourselves, our loved ones, and the world around us. By taking these small steps, we can enhance our well-being, strengthen our relationships, and lead a more balanced, fulfilling life. Are you ready to unplug and reconnect? Join us in the ‘UnPlug’ movement today and rediscover the joys of life beyond the screen.


‘K.I.D.S’ Strategy: Making Every Minute Count with Your Kids

In our corporate and workplace wellness discussions, we often emphasize strategies for effective time management. But have we ever considered dedicating some of our precious time specifically for our children? Let’s take a moment to think about it: can we carve out just 30-45 minutes each day for our kids? Imagine this time as pure fun – a chance to connect and engage with them in meaningful ways. Introducing the K.I.D.S. Strategy: How to Implement K.I.D.S.: Benefits of the K.I.D.S. Strategy: The Impact of the K.I.D.S. Strategy: Spending just an hour a day with your children can lead to profound and lasting benefits for their emotional and developmental well-being. This strategy, focusing on intentional and meaningful interactions, highlights the crucial role of quality time in nurturing strong, healthy relationships. Time Well Spent: A Shift in Perspective: In Summary: The K.I.D.S. Strategy is more than just a time management plan; it is a commitment to building a nurturing and supportive environment for your children. By dedicating just a few minutes each day to these purposeful interactions, you can significantly impact their emotional well-being and overall development. The love, trust, and understanding fostered through this strategy will create a foundation for healthy relationships that last a lifetime. Let’s commit to making every minute count with our children. After all, the moments we spend with them today are the memories they will cherish forever.


Using Yoga to manage hypertension

Using Yoga to manage hypertension Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is indeed a major risk factor of many health issues especially heart diseases; however, managing or controlling it can be made simpler. The last blog shared by Ketawa- a center for behaviour change give a thorough explanation on factors that are associated with hypertension. We have also discussed that how our poor lifestyle and dietary habits affect our health and contribute to high blood pressure. However, making small changes in our eating and lifestyle habits can do wonders with making us healthier. In this blog, we will be concentrating on yoga, which is a scientifically-proven method to attain desired level of holistic health and fitness. Making yoga a part of your daily routine can help you fight with some of the most dangerous NCDs, be it hypertension, diabetes or others. Experts have suggested that yoga can be really effective in managing hypertension when a person preaches it whole-heartedly. Well, if you are planning to make some changes to your lifestyle patterns, then add practicing yoga to your New Year resolution list. Here for your little help, we have listed some of the yoga postures that can be really helpful in dealing with hypertension. This is one of the most effective meditation techniques, which can be really helpful in calming nerves and dodging the negative experiences. This is also effective in raising mindfulness. Technique: Find a peaceful place to sit. Concentrate on your surroundings, noises, smells etc. Slowly turn to the right side to gaze and observe, then turn to the left and repeat. Take a notebook and try to note all the observations and sensations you felt.  The yoga technique makes you more observant, focused, and alert and removes distractions. This asana, like most of the others, provides an effective tool to unite breathing and movement. Technique: Choose a comfortable position (Sukhasana, Ardha Padmasana, Vajrasana or Poorna Padmasana) to sit. You need to keep your back straight. Place your palms on your knees facing upward. Relax your shoulders and close your eyes to focus on your breath. Now, gently close your right nostril with your thumb, inhale into your left nostril and close it, letting the breath out through the right nostril. Then inhale through your right, closing it to exhale only through your left. This makes one cycle. Technique: First lie on the floor with your stomach touching the surface. Keep your palms under your shoulder and lift the upper body, pelvis and knees. Keep your knees straight and use your toes to grip the floor. Your pelvis, knees, and spine should be aligned. Arms need to kept straight while wrists must be placed exactly below your shoulders.


“1 Playground and 100 Players: Fostering Equality and Access to Play”

Or “Promoting Equitable Sports Opportunities: Bridging the Gap in Chandigarh” As I ventured out for a leisurely walk in Chandigarh, little did I know that I would stumble upon a scene that would leave a lasting impression on my mind. A local playground in sector 48, Chandigarh, teeming with life, hosted over a hundred young players engrossed in the game of cricket. The sight of multiple teams, each with their own designated pitch, sparked my curiosity. However, as I observed the dynamics unfold, I was confronted with a stark reality that highlighted the pressing need for accessible playgrounds for talented players from all backgrounds. Setting the Stage: Within the bustling playground, it became evident that social and economic factors were at play. The more privileged players, hailing from higher socio-economic backgrounds, occupied the central portion of the ground, basking in the spotlight. On the periphery, players from lower socio-economic strata were left to make do with the outer ring, their enthusiasm undeterred despite the unequal allocation of space. A Heartfelt Encounter: Amidst this disparity, a poignant moment caught my attention. Two players, eager to participate but burdened by the scarcity of resources, resorted to sharing a single cricket bat. They took turns, selflessly lending each other the opportunity to wield the bat and showcase their skills. It was a humble display of resilience and determination, highlighting the lengths these young players would go to pursue their passion for the sport. The Hidden Truth: This seemingly simple incident shed light on a larger issue that plagues our society. Many talented children and youth yearn for opportunities to play, but the dearth of accessible playgrounds and facilities remains a significant hurdle. The existing facilities often come with a price tag, making them unaffordable for those with limited financial means. Consequently, countless promising talents remain confined, unable to fully flourish, resulting in a limited pool of exceptional athletes at the top. Unleashing Potential Through Accessible Playgrounds: It is crucial for us to recognize the immense value that accessible playgrounds hold in nurturing and empowering young athletes. Creating inclusive spaces, freely available for all, not only provides equal opportunities for talent to thrive but also fosters a sense of camaraderie, unity, and social cohesion. By dismantling the barriers of affordability, we can unlock the hidden potential within our communities and witness a surge of talent from diverse backgrounds. Combating substance abuse and nurturing well-being: Promoting accessible playgrounds not only benefits the development of talented athletes but also plays a pivotal role in combating social issues such as drug abuse and other related crimes. By providing safe and engaging spaces for physical activity, we can divert the energy and enthusiasm of our young generation towards sports and recreational pursuits. Engaging in regular physical activity not only enhances their physical health but also contributes to their mental and emotional well-being, offering a productive outlet and keeping them away from the clutches of destructive influences. Accessible playgrounds, therefore, serve as powerful tools in shaping a healthier and more resilient future for our youth. The Role of Stakeholders: Addressing this pressing issue requires a collective effort from various stakeholders. Government bodies, educational institutions, non-profit organizations, and local communities should collaborate to prioritize the development of well-maintained and accessible playgrounds. By investing in infrastructure, funding initiatives, and programs that promote inclusive sports, we can pave the way for a future where every child, regardless of their socio-economic status, has an equal opportunity to pursue their sporting dreams. Chandigarh, known as one of the best cities in India for sports, offers numerous avenues for children, youth, and adults to engage in various activities. With a compact area of 56 sq. km, the city boasts more than 10 government stadiums catering to specific and non-specific sports. However, there is an imbalance in the distribution of these facilities, with 70% of them concentrated in Northern Chandigarh. In the southern sectors, there are limited facilities that mainly focus on urban sports like badminton, table tennis, swimming, and skating, which may not be accessible to the economically weaker sections of society. To promote equity and ensure equal opportunities for all, the administration should take proactive measures to establish playgrounds or stadiums that cater to common sports such as cricket, hockey, and football in the southern sectors. By creating accessible and inclusive spaces for these popular sports, the city can bridge the gap and provide equitable sporting opportunities for individuals from all backgrounds. Let us work together to break down the barriers, create a level playing field, and allow the true potential of our youth to shine through the power of play. Dr. Nidhi Jaswal, Ex-PGIMER Founder and CEO, Ketawa- Center for Behaviour Change


Navigating the Screen-Time Challenge: Balancing Health and Tech for Kids

In today’s digital age, children are spending more time than ever in front of screens. The COVID-19 pandemic only accelerated this trend, bringing with it both physical and mental health implications. Let’s explore the impact of increased screen time on our kids and discover practical strategies to promote their well-being. The Shift in Lifestyle During the pandemic, children’s physical activity plummeted. Lockdowns and safety concerns kept them indoors, away from outdoor games and activities. The closure of schools and recreational facilities further limited their opportunities to stay active. Consequently, electronic devices like mobile phones and laptops became their primary sources of entertainment and considered as ‘new normal’. Additionally, the pandemic led to a decline in face-to-face interactions. Social gatherings were restricted, and physical distancing measures were put in place. This shift towards virtual interactions raised concerns about the potential implications for social development and interpersonal skills. Children’s dietary patterns also went through a transformation. Disruptions in daily routines, school closures, and increased screen time exposed them to food advertisements, particularly promoting unhealthy, high-calorie foods. This contributed to a less healthy overall diet. Health Implications of Increased Screen Time Increased screen time has brought several health risks: Recommendations for Reducing Screen Time and Promoting Well-being Here are some practical steps for parents and caregivers: Finding Balance in the Digital Era Excessive screen time has undeniable consequences on children’s health, both physically and mentally. To mitigate these effects, it’s crucial for parents, caregivers, and communities to take proactive steps. Setting screen time limits, providing alternative activities, fostering interpersonal connections, encouraging outdoor exploration, and promoting digital literacy are key strategies. By acknowledging the challenges of increased screen time and implementing these practical measures, we can create a healthier balance between technology and well-being for our children. It’s a collaborative effort that involves parents, caregivers, schools, healthcare professionals, and policymakers – all working together to ensure our kids thrive in today’s digital world.

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